Swoon by Nina Malkin

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

"Swoon, Connecticut, stands proudly on its heritage and the good behavior of its Lilly Pulitzer–clad inhabitants, so semi-psychic New York transplant Candice (Dice) sticks out like a sore thumb. On the autumnal equinox, Dice’s sweet and gentle cousin Penelope suddenly changes into a dangerous vixen, and only Dice is able to see that she has been possessed. Dice knows she must exorcise Sinclair, the ghost of a handsome young man from the colonial era, but she has fallen deeply in love with the appropriately nicknamed Sin. Finally, Dice follows Sin’s directions for an exorcism, which frees Penelope from his hold and releases Sin into his own physical form. The golem-like Sin finally reveals his goal: to exact revenge on the descendants of those who unjustly hung him for the murder of his fiancée. Since Sin awakens the quaint town’s denizens to all of their suppressed urges, this steamy and suspenseful romance with a psychic slant and time-travel twist will pull mature teens. The paranormal angle and several star-crossed love pairings will appeal to fans of the Twilight series. Grades 10-12. --Heather Booth"
~~Amazon post

Review: This one started off with a bang. Sin knows how to start some fun trouble. I was really into the book for the first 10 chapters...then it kinda fizzled for me. I loved the concept of the book though, and I think if some of the side stories were cut down it would have been amazing. Some people may totally disagree with me on this one, but I would say read the first few chapters...then skip to the end.

Heres the link to the book trailer:


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