This my shiny new intro to The Dying Curse :) Hope you like it!
Snipit: The Dying Curse (YA Paranormal Romance)
Thanks for checking it out :)
Tuesday Teaser Time!!!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Hey guys teaser time! Thanks for reading my stuff and commenting, much appreciated :) I thought there were some really good posts last week, keep 'em coming!
So I posted a little something from a WIP I'm working on. :) Super rough cut!
Thanks for checking it out guys! And thanks for the feedback :)
The Market by J.M. Steele

Product Description
'High school senior Kate Winthrop is about to find out just how much she's worth.
After stumbling across the Millbank Social Stock Market, Kate is horrified to discover that out of the 140 girls in her class, she's ranked a bleak 71. Sure, she's not drop-dead gorgeous, and her "fashion" choices leave a bit to be desired...but 71?! Determined not to accept her fate as a "junk bond," she and her best friends quickly set out to make her the fastest rising stock on the Market.
Armed with a sexy new haircut and killer wardrobe, Kate puts her plan into effect -- and the analysts take note. In a matter of weeks, her stock value soars, and "Blue Chip" status is within reach. But what begins as a fun social experiment quickly turns into an obsession, one that threatens to ruin her reputation, friendships, and a chance at first love. Will Kate survive the highs and lows of the Market, or will her security crash and burn?'
Review: I know this book got some mixed reviews, but I enjoyed it! Lot's of teen/first love romance and I just had to know who was really Kate's friend and who was playing her. I read this book in about a day, very quick, fun read. It's not realistic just keep that in mind and just go with it. :)
Geek Girls Guide to Cheerleading by Charity Tahmaster and Darcy Vancy

Plot: "When Bethany -- self-proclaimed geek girl -- makes the varsity cheerleading squad, she realizes that there's one thing worse than blending in with the lockers: getting noticed. She always felt comfortable as part of the nerd herd, but being a member of the most scrutinized group in her school is weighing her down like a ton of textbooks. Even her Varsity Cheerleading Guide can't answer the really tough questions, like: How do you maintain some semblance of dignity while wearing an insanely short skirt? What do you do when the head cheerleader spills her beer on you at your first in-crowd party? And how do you know if your crush likes you for your mind...or your pom-poms?
One thing's for sure: It's going to take more than brains for this girl genius to cheer her way to the top of the pyramid."
Review: I'm a romance if you are like me and love those sappy, stories where the unattainable boy falls for the slightly geeky girl this one's for you! I really enjoyed it and read it in about a day :)
Tuesday Teaser Time!!!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Hey guys! Thanks for the Teenage Hillbilly Love last week! :) Since I was a tease and cut you off...I'll post the very next segment of the story so you can see what he wanted to show her...
Snip from my WIP: Teenage Hillbilly Hell
Thanks for the comments guys :)
Snip from my WIP: Teenage Hillbilly Hell
Thanks for the comments guys :)
Immortal by Gillian Sheilds
Friday, September 4, 2009

Plot: "Wyldcliffe Abbey School for Young Ladies, housed in a Gothic mansion on the bleak northern moors, is elite, expensive, and unwelcoming. When Evie Johnson is torn away from her home by the sea to become the newest scholarship student, she is more isolated than she could have dreamed. Strict teachers, snobbish students, and the oppressive atmosphere of Wyldcliffe leave Evie drowning in loneliness.
Evie's only lifeline is Sebastian, a rebellious, mocking, dangerously attractive young man she meets by chance. As Evie's feelings for Sebastian grow with each secret meeting, she starts to fear that he is hiding something about his past. And she is haunted by glimpses of a strange, ghostly girl—a girl who is so eerily like Evie, she could be a sister. Evie is slowly drawn into a tangled web of past and present that she cannot control. And as the extraordinary, elemental forces of Wyldcliffe rise up like the mighty sea, Evie is faced with an astounding truth about Sebastian, and her own incredible fate."
Review: The concept of the story was really good, but I found myself just skipping some of the predictable things and some of the over-kill in the description department. It was just an okay book for me.
Tuesday Teaser Time!!!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Hey All! Here's a snip from my WIP Teenage Hillbilly Hell. Thanks for taking a peek! I can't wait to see what everyone else has come up with :)
Title: Teenage Hillbilly Hell
Thanks for the comments guys :)
Title: Teenage Hillbilly Hell
Thanks for the comments guys :)
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