Book Cover Description: "The sign says Welcome to Devil's Kettle, Pop. 7,036. Come See What's Cookin'! No, seriously . . . that's what it says.
Some people find it hard to believe that a babe like Jennifer Check would associate with a dork like me, Needy Lesnicki. But we had history. We'd been the Wonder Twins since we were proverbial, and sandbox love never dies. Or at least that's what I thought.
But after that night in the woods, Jennifer was different. She looked different. And then the killings began. . . .
A lot of people ask me if I'm sorry I did it. I'm only sorry I didn't do it sooner."
Review: Okay, I had no idea this is a soon to be released movie as well...But let me just say the book was seriously creepy. Jennifer Check is the weirdest character I have read in a YA novel in quite a while. I can't wait to see this movie, if it's like the book I don't think I'll be disappointed. :)
Check out the movie trailer:
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