My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I just finished this novel and it was AWESOME. This was one of my most anticipated reads of 2011 and I’m happy to report it didn’t disappoint. This time travel novel defiantly stood out among the sea of paranormal books out there on the YA shelf.
Emerson is such a great character. She’s so flawed, which makes her seem real. She practically leaped off the pages. I loved how she was will to take risks. She wasn’t afraid to risk it all to go after what she wants. Her ability is amazing. It kept me hooked in the novel. I wanted to find out what she was capable of.
There are two boys in this book. Both totally swoon worthy. One guy, Michael, you meet at the beginning of the book and he has what I like to call the typical YA relationship with Emerson. She sees him and is totally smitten and talks about his hotness A LOT. I personally don’t mind a character being completely GA-GA over a boy, but I know it turns a lot of people off. Their relationship does grow, so hang in there for a little depth. The boy that stole the show for me was Kaleb. Let me just say, um, WOW. He’s hot. A little reckless, tattoos, muscles and totally into Emerson—my kind of guy. Kaleb wasn’t afraid to make it known that Emerson had another choice other than Michael. Kaleb was totally my pick. There’s a solid love triangle in this novel and I really want to see how it plays out.
The last ten chapters or so were the best in the book. I flew through them. My ereader could barely keep up. I love the twists and turns the story took. Myra did a great job weaving past, present and future together. I’m left with a ton of questions and what ifs after reading this novel. I can’t wait to get my hands on book 2 to get some answers!
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